How to Spot a Fake or Replica Dooney and Bourke Handbag
Dooney and Bourke handbags , aka Dooney and Burke on some sites, have joined the ranks of womens handbags that are "knocked off" or copied. So how can you tell if a Dooney and Bourke is a fake or replica or is in fact genuine? Unfortunately it is not too easy. The best way to be sure of getting a genuine Dooney & Bourke handbag is to use their recommended outlets or their website - there should be a link somewhere on this blog.
(A Genuine Dooney and Bourke Python Medium Nikki Bag - $465)
Here are a few tips however to help you check out your Dooney and Bourke.
- The stitching on the leather logo tag should be the same color as the thread on the seams.
- Some people say that "British tan trim" is on all Dooney and Bourke handbags. Unfortunately not everyone agrees on this point e.g. when Dooney and Burke first started making handbags you could order your own trim color so a lot of 'vintage' Dooneys do NOT have the British tan trim.
- Old Dooney handbags in the Drawstring style, do not necessarily have the tan trim or the tan strap. And not all of them have the duck stitching inside.
- The hardware on a Dooney and Bourke bag will be solid brass. This applies to the protective feet, strap knobs or studs. Brass plated steel is not genuine.
- There should be a leather duck logo with visible stitching inside plus a red, white and blue registration number sewn beneath a leather seam.
- (A Genuine Dooney and Bourke Large Toggle Bag - $285)
- On the tag inside the bag it will say, "Dooney and Bourke", and it will have an SKU number printed on the other side. This number reveals the make and color of the bag. All Dooney Bourke handbags come with a registration card and a unique registration number.
- Online you would be advised to stick to commercial sites such as Macys, Nordstrom, or the Dooney site itself.
- If there is no registration card with the bag, look at the SKU and see if it matches the bag's SKU on the website.
If you don't fancy doing all that and you want to be absolutely sure that the Dooney and Bourke bag object of your desire is genuine, then we recommend you stick to the bona fide Dooney & Bourke outlets. dooney and bourke dooney burke handbags how to spot a fake dooney and bourke bag
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